1. What worldview(s) inform your work?

Hyperreality? Modern reality as a highly compressed world.

2. What are the (design) questions implied by your project?

Can we restore the modern reality to the 4-dimensional hyperreality? What is the simulation and simlacral content in our surrounding world?

3. What parts of this project are you personally invested in?

Concept: our observation of reality?

4. After considering the learning objectives for this project —

                ○ Translate observations into design criteria, prototypes or artifacts
                ○ Formulate and integrate critical reflection as part of a practice
                ○ Conduct research through formal and conceptual analysis
                ○ Define and refine research insights and goals
                ○ Design, and refine formal craft
                ○ Use iterative design methodology
                ○ Employ formal descriptions and terminology when speaking about design
                ○ Craft with care, consideration, quality and attention to detail
                — what's your work plan for next week?
It is inspired by Burdrillard concepts of simulation and simulacra, My topic last week is about projection, and I claimed that our worldview works as a kind of projection. Last week all I thought about was how to create a projection of our world, and compress it into a 2-dimensional graph, we talked about the shadow is a projection of reality, and the shape and value of the shadow depend on the angles of the lights, the project object and the texture of the ground.
However, after reading Baudrillard's article, it comes to my mind that, our reality is not so real, our observations which we think are by our own eyes, have already been defined by other pieces of culture. What’s more, this process happens faster than our self-consciousness, it’s so fast that we even cannot realize it until we found we are deeply influenced by that.
So I want to do some disassembly analysis of our world, the unreliable reality. Constructing the world model by restoring the history and cultural content into it. Those brands, logos, signs, styles of architecture and the image of our culture all contain an immense amount of culture, so I just think can I build a model of a 4-dimensional world of culture, history, and time?
City-community? Choose a community, social group, region? What dose compression means? Technique? Approaches?

Week 05

Adding dimensions
Thinking about 4-dimensional space, not only simply adding timeline, but thinking about a new way to describe our world.
            Alongside your city plan, make sure we can see/access/understand:
            - Your research findings (excursions, assignments)
            - Your parts and key ideas
            - Definitions of key terms you are working with
            - Descriptions of key city attributes
Dataset of city history? (i dt have it yet) Video of our city, music from our city (culture datasets) From social media, from movie, from image.
- Assembly/assemlage strategy (The logic you use to stitch together city parts)
Ascending dimension “Computer as a 4-dimensional creature?”
- Your city’s organisational structure (What is it called? Where is it? What is its currency? Is it part of a republic, a federation? What is it governed by?)